Monday, November 30, 2009

Friend Coming Out

This friend *Cory* came out recently that he was gay. This is kind of a video explaining reactions from his friends.

Personally, I don't care what sexual orientation my friends are. I look at the person, their mind, heart, and soul. Fact is Cory is the best friend anyone could have. He joined the teen support group I am in (Saints of America) and he's learning quickly that it's not who he should be but who he is!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Registerd Teen Sex Offenders

Today in school, in my Current Affairs class, we watched a news story regarding teen sex offenders.

FACT 1: The most represented age of ALL sex offenders of ANY age is 14.

FACT 2: 88% of teen sex offenders were victims first, meaning an adult family member or adult friend molested or raped them long before the teen offended someone themselves.

FACT 3: All teens charged with a sex crime MUST register as a sex offender.

So let's talk about each fact.

Fact 1 - All teens experiment. Whatever happend to it being okay to 'show me yours and I will show you mine'? Is this a crime? Today it is if you are caught. Sexual curiosity is natural. It's going to happen. So it is no surprise that the most represented age of all sex offenders is the tender age of 14. The next most represented age was 15! To go along this line, the most represented age of being offended by an adult is the age of 13!

Fact 2 - Sex crimes are learned. Most teen sex offenders are victims first. Some adult in their life has molested or raped them first. They are quick to learn that trust is nothing more than a screen, something you use to gain trust of your victim. Once you gain a person's trust, it's easy to get them to let you offend them.

Fact 3 - Every teen sex offender must require to register as a sex offender. THIS IS SO WRONG! In the cases where the teen offender was the victim first, they shouldn't have to register. But today, the laws are so general, that is the way it is. Only after the offender receives treatment can they appeal having to register. So for a while they are registered. Fortunately in the cases where the teen offender was first a victim, the appeal usually overturns having to register. But the process we have today is wrong. Evaluate BEFORE making them register, they shouldn't have to register until after treatment and they are evaluated that they are still a risk to offend in the future. Treatment usually has a 85% success rate according to Starr Commonwealth. With that said 85% of those teens who have sexually offended were victims first, went through treatment, but still had to register as a sex offender, and THEN appeal in court.

The real underlying problem is lack of education. In the 70s and 80s sex education was taught in almost every school in America. My parents had it in school. Many of my adult friends say they had it in their school. All of them agree, it is something that should be put back in the curriculum.

The teen support group that I am a part of REQUIRES new members to take a sex education class. The first part of the class goes over the male and female anatomy. The second part covers the sexual acts. The third part covers safe sex. And the last part covers the current laws of teenage sex, and how to stay out of trouble when having sex. Everyone who takes the class has become more responsible and knowledgeable regarding sex. Yes, our parents know about this class and even are permitted to sit in on the class themselves. The parents all approve of the class and wish it was taught in the schools.

But in conclusion, today's society has created this taboo regarding teen sex. It's almost like if you have sex it's a crime. It's just a matter if you get caught.

In Ohio, this past summer our lawmakers passed a bill, where if a teenager exposes themselves online in pictures or on webcam, it is a crime and you will be arrested, charged, and register as a sex offender.

The first person arrested under this new law (14yo male) was charged with child pornography, performing a lewd act in public, and public indecency. He was required to go to a treatment facility and register as a sex offender. He completed his treatment in 90 days. His family then got an attorney and appealed having to register as a sex offender. Because he was not a victim first, the judge ruled this made him a predator, thus must register for the next 10 years as a sex offender, and not permitted to use the internet during those 10 years.

The second person arrested under this new law, a 15yo male, was charged the same, required to get treatment, and register as a sex offender. His parents immediately hired an attorney and tried to appeal before he got treatment. The judge denied the appeal and said he had to receive treatment before he would accept an appeal. So he got treatment. Here it was learned that his uncle had molested him numerous time from the age of 12 to 14. After treatment the attorney filed the appeal again, where it was explained he was a victim first, and the judge overturned having to register.

But do you see the flaw in the process? Immediately when arrested and charged, the judge should hear the circumstances including whether or not they are victims first. If they are a victim first, then get them counseling, do not require them to register as a sex offender until a counselor deems they may be a threat to offend in the future. If they were not a victim first, then the current procedure is probably correct.

I'm so sick and tired of our government overprotecting us teens. They basically are stripping away our rights and not letting us be teens. They are stealing our teenage years and forcing us to be adults long before we need to be adults. Laws such as teen males not being permitted to be shirtless in public, swim teams can no longer wear speedos in high school, and now this new law treating teens as adults when it comes to exposing themselves in pictures or on webcam online.

Are these new laws stopping teens from doing what normal teens would do? NO. You can log into a webcam chat every night and teens left and right are exposing themselves on cam. The problem is when a teen lets an adult watch, that is the only crime. Go after those adult predators, not the teens who are innocently having fun. After all, wouldn't parents rather have us having innocent and safe fun on a webcam than actually meeting in person with another teen and having sex? You'd think so.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Issue 2, 3, and school issues

This November there are 2 issues on the ballot that are very important to the State of Ohio.

Issue 2 is an agricultural issue. It will reduce taxes on farmers, increase quality control of Ohio produce and foods, and help to keep Ohio farm products within the state. It also requires groceries to provide Ohio products only! Definitely want to vote FOR this issue.

Issue 3 is that casino issue. It just won't go away. Voters keep voting it down but it keeps coming up on the ballot. Each time it has failed by fewer and fewer votes. I guess they figure eventually it will get passed if they keep trying. I'm all for this issue. It will create jobs and generate $680 million in tax revenue. Our state deficit is $640 million. This issue alone will eliminate our state deficit and get our economy back on track. Opponents to the issue twist the words around to try and get this defeated.

Of course lots of school districts have issues on the ballot. Southwestern City schools have their issue again on the ballot. All sports were canceled this year since it didn't past the last time. So all the athletes transfered to other school districts. If this one passes they will restore sports beginning with Spring sports. But all the best athletes can't return until 2010-11, so their sports would suck this Spring. Several others may eliminate sports too if their issues fail.

The problem with these school issues is that so many people are unemployed and can't afford tax increases. And schools waste so much money. Did you know that administrative cell phone bills last year in Dublin City Schools cost almost $100,000! One school district contracted out for mowing the grass. WTF! Make the janitor do it. Geez.

Early October Update

Life has settled down for me lately. My grandfather is settled in with me and enjoying time with me and the Saints. He volunteers a lot of time helping out with the organization.

As for me, school keeps me pretty busy. I'm on Student Council again this year so usually every Monday evening I have duties for that. Classes are harder this year and requires me to study a bit more.

I'm helping out Adrian in communications with the Saints. He's struggling to get free time to do his job. School isn't easy for him and that is his primary focus. So for now I'm helping him with the Saints duties as much as possible.

I'm running cross country this fall. I'm not very fast but that wasn't the point of me running. I just wanted to get my exercise! I do find it helps clear my mind from issues, etc. And definitely helps me sleep at night!

That's all for now. Not really much exciting in my life at the moment.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Shift Change.

With elections of Saints of America comes a transistional period. Adrian Wilson takes over my position but he's been sick with swine flu over the past 3 weeks. I've tried to cover for him in the interim but not much success. Adrian is doing fine now and should resume his duties this weekend.

It's been a bad week for Saints of America. But we are tough and strong. We will survive.

GOD BLESS each of you who have prayed for our members.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Moving On.....

First, thank you to all my friends and relatives who gave me so much support after my mother passed away. Especially my friends in the Saints of America, and Coach Robinson. It's amazing how such good friends can make a tragedy like this seem like nothing.

I also want to thank my grandpa, who is taking me in and now will be essentially my father. He inherited my mom's home and we'll live here in Ohio during the school year and at his home in Nova Scotia during the summer. My grandpa is a retired airline pilot and former Grand Banks fisherman. He's an onery cuss but he's a great guy. He's already taught me a lot about life in just a week. I have a feeling I'm going to learn a lot from him.

School started yesterday and I got a little angry because everyone kept giving me more sympathy. I don't need more sympathy because I'm passed it all.

Oh, who did I meet while with my grandpa in Nova Scotia? Robert DeNiro. I guess he has a cottage near where my grandpa lives (Herring Cove). My grandpa says they are best of friends even though Robert DeNiro is only there about a month the whole year. But Robert DeNiro is a terrific guy. I've never really been a fan of his, but I'll guarantee I'm going to go watch a lot of his movies that I probably haven't seen.

The people in Nova Scotia are very simple people, and very friendly. I felt like everyone had known me for my whole life. A lot of fisherman up there. I learned a lot about fishing in just a week. And next summer I hope to join a fishing boat as a deck hand just to see what that is like. I keep imagining THE DEADLIEST CATCH, THE PERFECT STORM, etc.

Physically I'm maturing very rapidly. I now have to shave daily. I'm actually letting my sideburns grow out down to my jaw bone. All the males in my family have a lot of facial hair. My grandfather is gray haired and full gray beard. He looks like an ole fisherman. LOL. I'm now just shy of 6' tall. I've grown six inches over the past 14 months! And I'm not that skinny little boy anymore either. I've bulked up, probably from working out at the Saints of America gym.

I joined the cross country team at school this year. The first workout, man, I defintely have a lot more respect for long distance runners. After about the 2nd mile, I was struggling. But I see cross country as something to help keep me in shape. I'm growing fast and if I don't work out and stay in shape I'll start putting on fat and extra weight. Most of the males in my family are overweight, even though my grandpa has done well to lose his weight.

Oh yeah, I ate a lot of Sea Bass, Swordfish, Herring and Lobster while in Nova Scotia. The people up there really know how to steam and cook fish. It doesn't even smell like fish. I've never been a big fish eater, but I really enjoyed the meals while up there. DELICIOUS!

That's all for now. Again, thanks to everyone for their support during the week after my mother's passing away. You all were wonderful. Thank you and God Bless.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

My mother passed away......

I'm sure many of you who read my blog and know me on Facebook have heard by now. My mother was in a car accident and died last night. I wish I could say it was the other person's fault but it wasn't. She had just finished working a 12 hour day and apparently wasn't paying attention and ran a stop sign, and a van going 55mph smashed right into the driver side door. She suffered a couple hours before she finally gave in.

Only a couple of you knew my mom had cancer and the worst kind. I've just never told many though anyone who would visit me at home could tell my mom was not doing very well. So I see this accident now as a blessing, in that she doesn't have to suffer any more.

Last weekend we had a family reunion and I guess we'll have another one this weekend. My mother requested no viewing and to be cremated. Her ashes and churn to be given to her sister in Michigan. The formal service will be Sunday at 1pm at the Great Hall of the Saints of America facility and social gathering to follow at the Boat House. It is NOT an open gathering. Only relatives. Small private affair. That is what my mom wanted.

Our house was to be given to me, but I'm sure my mom expected to live until I was old enough to live on my own. I guess since I'm not 18 whatever she gave me goes into a "trust" that will be turned over to me when I become an adult. I have relatives in Michigan, Colorado, England, and in Nova Scotia. The question is who can take me in. We'll decide that this weekend. But most likely I'll be moving away from Ohio.

Please, don't send flowers, cards or anything. Your sympathy and prayers are enough. I have lots of friends who are supporting and comforting me. Everyone, especially Coach Robinson, have been great. I love all of you, especially Coach, Doc, and all the Saints of America members. If I hadn't been in this organization I don't know how I'd be doing right now. So God Bless all of you. Oh yes, I'm sure Nana Ina has been praying for me. Thank you Ina!

I'll update my blog once I know where I'm going to live, and after the family gathering.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Summer Winding Down

With summer winding down comes the dawn of another school year. And with that a lot of things will keep me busy.

We are currently in our last initiation class for Saints of America for the summer. So I'll be busy with that this week and next. They are currently taking nominations for officers for the coming school year. I've decided not to run again for Communications, but I'm going after the Secretary's job. Noah Smeltzer said he's going to run for Communications and I've nominated him today. But several others will be running for that office too.

I signed up for my classes last week. The required stuff is Geometry, Chemistry, Accounting and Speech. UGH, Speech. I'm also signed up to take Cooking. (mom made me take it). Of course I have Physical Education II this year, the last time I'll have to take gym. Electives are Psychology and Christianity. That leaves me one free period which of course will be study hall.

Extra curricular activities I plan to be involved with are student government, school newspaper and of course the yearbook. I will be running cross country this year. A couple of my friends do and so I figured it's a good way to stay in shape.

But summer can't end until the family takes vacation. We have a family reunion in Michigan next weekend (Friday through Sunday). We'll go up there Thursday and return Monday. Fun, Fun. All the little cousins will drive me crazy. I'm the oldest of all the kids. Most are 10 to 12 year old range now. So guess who will have to probably babysit them when the adults decide to go out drinking. ME. Ugh.

This will probably be my last post here until late in August. I'll probably post next after the family reunion and tell you all about it.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ohio Governor, Ted Strickland, BAD for our state!

Ted Strickland, Governor of Ohio, recently worked on the State budget. He proposed cuts to: Schools, youth services, fire departments, police departments, lay off 100 state employees, parks and recreation, and to the homeless shelters and other organizations to help the elderly, sick, and unemployed. His budget also includes a tax hike of $100 a year for each $50,000 of income.

First, our schools. Schools can not make it on their own as it is. Many school districts in Ohio had tax levies on the last ballot and most failed. People can't afford more tax. Many schools in Central Ohio will eliminate ALL extra-curricular activies for the 2009-10 school year. This includes all sports. And several schools announced they can't even afford "pay to play". Our Governor now has cut state funding to all Ohio schools. Education is to me, the #1 thing that should NEVER be cut.

Second, cutting funding to youth services. Many of the private treatment centers rely on investments in order to survive. These private centers took a big hit when our economy collapsed about a year ago and they have not been able to recover. Several youth services treatment centers were forced to lay off workers or close down. Now with additional budget cuts by the State of Ohio, even more youth services will be cut. Ted Strickland says that DYS is better off using private facilities and renting space, rather than maintaining their own facilities. Well that is good I guess since now these struggling privately run youth treatment centers will have a huge income boost. However, now you are putting violent youth in low security treatment centers. AWOL's will increase and more injuries to other youth and the staff.

Ted Strickland is also cutting funding to homeless shelters, meals on wheels, and other services to help those in need. He's also cutting funding to elderly care. This means increased cost to families who have relatives in a rest home or retirement home. They can't afford the $3,000 a month as it is! This means the homeless shelters will close down. Meals on Wheels will need more private donations. And more rest home residents will have to return home where they can not get adequate supervision and care.

Worst of all, our safety is in jeopardy. With crime in Central Ohio at it's all time high EVER, our Governor wants to cut policeman and fireman jobs? Homicide in Columbus reached it's highest yearly total this year in just 6 months! Assault, rape and battery rates have increased to over 10,000 this year and previous highest yearly total was 12,000. Our streets won't be safe. It is also estimated by cutting back on our fire services that response time will increase from 5 minutes to 12 minutes. I'm sorry, but if your house is on fire, a 7 minute increase in response time means you are likely to lose your home. And guess what, many people have cut back on their home insurance because they are struggling to make ends meet. First thing most people cut is their insurance premiums, including their auto insurance. Here's another fact, in Ohio unisured motorist has risen from 12% to 28% in the past year! That is almost 1 in 3 chance that you will be involved in an accident with an uninsured motorist. While in Ohio it is law that you carry auto insurance, 28% choose not to because they can't afford it.

The cuts to Parks and Recreation isn't really as major of an issue, but this means that half of the community swim pools aren't open this summer. Of course their are other programs to help kids in the summer, such as youth baseball, soccer, etc, that will be cut.

Ted Strickland says he's about the people, but he's proving over and over again that he really doesn't care. FYI, he's increasing state employee salaries and benefits, when they are over paid as it is, and have like 18 paid holidays every year. We won't mention that he's increasing funding to fix up our roads, when our roads are in the best shape they have ever been and they don't need additional funding. Strickland says increasing funding to support our infrastructure will increase jobs and attract new business. I'm sorry but our roads are in good enough shape, he doesn't need to give them another $20 million a year.

Friday, June 19, 2009

No More Nukes!

Today, our wonderful Govenor of Ohio announced that a new nuclear power plant would be built along the Ohio River, near Piketon. In the announcement he cited how many jobs it would bring and how it is wonderful for our enviroment and how it's a big "green" energy source.

First off, sure, it would create a couple hundred jobs for a county in Ohio that has a 9.2% unemployment rate. Okay, I can't argue with that.

But Ohio has 2 nuclear power plants, both of which were shut down over a decade ago for safety reasons. We shut them down because of the threat of meltdowns. And from my research on the internet, ANY nuclear power plant is a threat to the area surrounding it up to 100 miles. Our country turned away from nuclear power almost 12 years ago and experts say today's nuclear power plants are no safer than they were back then. Remember, Three Mile Island near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Does anyone want another Three Mile Island?

Now the real argument, nuclear power is a "green" energy source? Um, why not create wind turbines, solar panel plant, or since it's on the Ohio River a plant that uses the energy of the river to create power? Our country needs to take the lead on wind turbines and solar panel for energy sources. And the Govenor of Ohio wants to take the lead in energy? So why not get on board with Obama and get tax credits for creating a wind turbine or solar panel plant? AH, now there's the reason! Too much tax credit and not enough tax revenue coming into the State of Ohio pockets!

My uncle is in the process of building wind turbines on his property about 20 minutes northwest of Columbus. He's investing $1.2 million to build 10 turbines. He expects to make twice that back each year from the tax credits and income from leasing the energy it creates. And I know a couple adults who also are investing in wind turbines or solar panels on their properties.

It's time for our country to start investing and building safe and more efficient energy sources. Wind turbines and solar panel farms is what we need. Someone needs to go slap our Governor in the face and remind him how dangerous a nuclear power plant could be. Should it have a melt down, the Ohio River would be polluted and would filter all the way down the Ohio Valley into the Mississippi River, not to mention about a 100 mile radius of radiation poisoning.

There will be a protest at the Ohio Capital on Monday, June 22nd and I plan to be a part of it.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Speaking of sinning......

WARNING! Some may find this video offensive, so if an R-rated (or near X rated video) offends you, please don't view this video.

Basically, a video of a teen male being daring at the mall. The story behind it, was to see how many people would stop to see what he was doing, or would he simply go unseen?

Believe it or not, some girls saw him and he ended up getting a date with one of them! Of course, that was his plan the whole time.

Glamourous Boy

Another cute sing-a-long that I found. Yeah can't you tell I was bored this morning and surfing YouTube and other video places on the internet. Looks like this was filmed on a bus, probably a school field trip. Netherless, pretty nice little video.

Call me today!

Kind of an amusing little video of some kid in the 818 area code. He mentions his phone number in the video, which apparently was no longer in service, probably because he had a bunch of phone calls after he published the video. Enjoy!

What if Adam and Eve was really like this?

I couldn't help myself with this video clip. Really makes you wonder, what if Adam was gay?

They would have never mated and we wouldn't exist! So my next question becomes, who was the first gay male in all of mankind? Did God make the first gay male to make a joke?

I'm not gay, but I love watching joke videos making fun of homosexuals. I especially love that adverstisement "That's gay" with the 16 yo guy with a cheesy moustache. (that guy didn't seem to have a clue that he was just slammed by the black lesbian). LOL.

Well enjoy this video of Adam and Eve.

Singing Journey

This kid has a VERY bright future if he wants to be a singer! Future American Idol contestant? You have to listen to this video clip. I am sorry it's not the complete song. I'd love to get the complete video clip, or more clips from him. I'll have to work on that! But ENJOY!

Monday, May 25, 2009

I've sinned.......

Don't ask me why. I have no idea.

Last night, I got talked into going to a party down near the Ohio State campus. And honestly, I don't remember much of it. All I know, I woke up feeling queezy and numb. Yes, I apparently was drinking. It so happened, that Coach R, an elder of Saints of America and a youth counselor at a youth facility, apparently had called me about 4pm today and I had no idea where I was. Friends have just told me that Coach R managed to ask me a series of questions to find my location and drove out of his way to track me down and pick me up and keep me safe.

I feel very guilty right now. It is hard to explain, but I would never do something like this. I feel like I've been corrupted or something. The guilt is overwhelming. Now I know that God is watching over me even though I have humiliated him by drinking underage. I do not know what got into me. I know I've been stressed lately. I know that I was feeling down on life a bit. But that is no excuse. Thank You Lord for sending an angel to care for me. If Coach R had not gone out of his way to track me down, who knows, but I'd probably be passed out in some unsafe place. I promise you God, I will never ever do this again.

I am ashamed of myself. I also promise to sit down with my mom and talk about what I have done. (boy that is going to be an experience in itself). But again, thank you Coach R. It goes to show you really care about us and go out of your way to watch over each and every one of us in the Saints of America.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

School Winding Down, Summer Plans

School is down to one week of classes and then finals week. My grades are almost 4.0 so I'm not too worried. Only one final should be a challenge.

Summer, I will be pretty busy. I got a job at Huntington Park (the new Columbus Clippers Stadium) as an usher. Pay is decent. I also will be working Columbus Blue Raiders home games as a scorekeeper, running the scoreboards, not the score book. So every night for the most part I'll be working.

My duties with the Saints, I'll probably have someone helping me out with pledge information and emails. I just have to find someone who isn't very busy, and that is the challenge.

As for Saints initiation weeks, well, basically every two weeks is an initiation class, so lots of guys will be busy helping out with initiation.

That's it for now. I'll try and post more often, but don't count on it.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Kyle XY

I had never heard of the show Kyle XY until just recently. The tv series, Kyle XY, a teen boy is found naked in the forest near a juvenile detention center. He has no recollection of who he is or how he got there. The show basically seeks out the truth about who he is, where he is from, and the strange things that revolve around Kyle.

But this is a funny scene from the tv series.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Let Us Teens Alone!!!!!

Today I learned of a link to a "Police Blotter" where law enforcement are going after and prosecuting teenagers who take risque or inappropriate photos of themselves.

In January of this year, the Florida State of Appeals court upheld convictions of a girl they prosecuted for producting a photograph of her boy friend. The couple, for fun, took nude photogrphas of themselves. They never sent them or transmitted them to anyone, yet somehow local law enforcement got a hold of them and prosecuted the teen couple.

Though I could not find how long either were sentenced, I feel this is just another instance where law enforcement is going too far, and how our society has created such a taboo on teenage sex.

Now don't get me wrong, I feel sexual predators should be put away, or at least sent somewhere to get treatment, but this instance the law has gone too far.

Just how far is the law going? Well, today, a friend of mine name Noah, got called to the principals office and when he arrived found his principal, parents and law enforcement waiting for him. This new police sting operation found Noah's blog and found his profile "too revealing and inappropriate for a teenager". His profile picture is of him kneeling in his wrestling sniglet after a wrestling match.

Noah wasn't charged, but he is suppose to remove his photo from his blog. He refused and his parents support him on his decision. You see, Noah is one of Ohio's best wrestlers and he is only a sophomore. He is proud of his accomplishments and published his wrestling photo to express his pride in his accomplishments.

Earlier this year, a local community banned teen males from swimming shirtless in the public swimming pool. Last year, another public pool banned speedos. And just recently a watchdog group began a push to make high school teen male swimmers to wear less revealing swim suits during competition. And just recently in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio, a law was passed banning any male under the age of 18 from being shirtless in public!

Why is our country, which is suppose to promote all these freedoms and concern for personal rights, suddenly so restrictive?

Sure, I understand the issues especially with all these child abductions, child predators, and child abuse, but isn't there better ways to solve these problems instead of taking youth freedom and expression away?

Fact is teens will be teens. All these issues would be dealt with much better by education, not restrictions!

Personally, I'm really starting to hate America. We preach how great our country is because of freedom, but what freedom do we really have today? Now any of you watchdog groups or law enforcement who reads this, I am not a traitor, and my comment is not meant as treason. It is MY RIGHT to express myself regarding our country and our laws. I just think a lot of these new laws affecting teens are BULLSHIT. I will protest these laws, peacefully. That is also MY RIGHT.

And you know something else? These laws are a result of things adults do to children and teens, not what teens are doing with other teens! It is another case of our country blaming teen problems on us teens instead of focusing on the real problems created by adults who molest and sexually abuse children.

That show "To Catch A Predator" also really irks me. Sure, it makes me sick, those adults who prey on teens. Those people need HELP. So what does our country do? We lock them away instead of attempting to treat or rehabilitate them. And as a result of that show, now teens caught in adult chat rooms, or engaged in instant messages, are also being arrested and sent to juvenile facilities as sex offenders. Excuse me, but we are the victims in most cases, not the offenders!

In summary, the problem is simple, and blame should go to our parents. Most of us teens are left unsupervised and not being educated on the issues. So many households are two income families or single parent homes. Back in the 70's, parents talked to their children about sex, and what was right and what was wrong. There was open communication between teens and adults. Sex was not taboo. We need to get back to those days. Right now we are heading the wrong direction and if corrective measures are not taken soon, our so called freedom will keep eroding away to the point we will have no freedoms.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Let's Blow Dad's Head Off

No, this isn't a mean spirited video. It's actually a funny video clip. But makes you wonder how they filmed this and made it look like the guy's head got blown apart.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Got Milk?

I love some of these Got Milk commercials. This one is probably the funniest of them.

My Spring Break

I know I haven't posted in a while, but I was a last minute alternate to attend a Youth Leadership conference in Washington, D.C., and I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity.

The bus ride there would have been pretty boring if we hadn't stopped at Hershey Park in Pennsylvania. I had never been there before. Pretty interesting place. I highly recommend everyone go there once in their life. Hershey, Pennsylvania is where the Hershey Chocolate company is located. They have a park to go along with the factory, etc. Cool place.

Once we arrived in D.C., we checked into the hotel. They made each of us room with students we didn't know from across the United States. Strange enough, one of my roomates was one of my Facebook gaming friends. We had never met in person until that moment. So that was a bit of a special moment. Super guy. A bit more wild and crazy than me, but it was okay. He kept things lively at the hotel.

The conference itself was somewhat boring. But then, aren't most seminars and conferences boring? Most of the leadership things they taught at the seminar I had already learned from the Saints of America. So nothing was really new to me. Perhaps the best thing of the whole week was making lots of new friends. So if you see my number of friends jump up on Facebook, you now know why.

There were really two highlights to the trip for me.

The first, I met a real nice girl named Elle, though real name is Ellen. We first met at the hotel swimming pool. I really didn't pay any attention to her at first glance. But later I kept catching her looking my direction. Now I'm not the type to make the first move, so it took a while but finally she came over and introduced herself. Now she isn't a "10" but I'd say a nice 6 or 7. Long blond hair, gorgeous blue eyes, kind of average body, but a killer personality and charm. After about 20 minutes sitting on the edge of the pool and talking with her, I knew I was in trouble, I was falling in love. We spent a lot of time together during the week. And the last night was kind of special, if you know what I mean. ;^)

The second highlight was meeting President Obama. He was very interested in teens, education, and listened to our concerns. He didn't brush us off with canned answers, but sat down with us and spent a good hour talking with us and telling us things he hoped he could do to address the issues we presented. Believe me, this was a spur of the moment thing so I wasn't real prepared to ask him questions, but I managed to toss a couple good questions at him. To be honest, I was not an Obama fan before the election. I thought he was just another typical politician playing the race card to get into office. FAR FROM IT. He is the real deal. He is very concerned about our country. He wants to change things. And he has a lot of ideas. He truly seemed like a President who is going to push Congress and the Senate to pass into law his ideas for change. I hope my Senator sends me the picture of me with President Obama, shaking hands. If so, I'll post it on here and on Facebook. It was a moment that I consider one of my biggest and best moments in life so far.

The trip back really hurt. All I could think about was the girl I had met. She called me last night about 10pm, the moment I had gotten home. We talked for two hours. I can tell she really misses me already, and I feel the same. I know we are both in love, but a long distance relationship is going to be hard. After all she is from Nashua, New Hampshire, and I'm in Columbus, Ohio. We promised to write weekly. We both have pay as you go on cell phone, so we agreed we can't be calling all the time. She is pretty smart and understanding. We do think alike which is really wild.

When I got home, my mom noticed something different about me too. She asked if I was all right. I seemed "aloof". I told her I had met a special girl. So my mom sat down with me and had that special talk about sex and relationships.

Overall a pretty great week though. Met President Obama, met a super nice girl that I'm in love with, and met tons of great new friends.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

When Friends need help!

A friends house burned down last night. Caylor Johnson and family are now homeless and without any possessions. Fortunately, no one was home when it burned down. Caylor was spending the night with friends, and his parents were visiting relatives in Florida. It was determined that it was an electrical fire that began from faulty wiring.

Caylor called his parents this morning and they are rushing back to Ohio. Many friends are already beginning to raise money and donate clothing and other necessities to help the family get back on their feet. They did not have homeowners insurance because they couldn't afford the monthly expense.

It's friends who help friends in time of need. And many of us have stepped up to help out Caylor. Please keep Caylor and his family in your prayers.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Big Government Big Spending

Columbus City Council announced yesterday that they will be increasing the local income tax rate by .25% which equates to about $150 per person over a year. While that doesn't seem like much, lets consider this..... The State of Ohio also wants to raise the income tax rate by about the same percentage. Now you are talking about $350 per person a year. Then our federal and state government is about to increase the gas tax by 50 cents a gallon. And many states are increasing taxes on tobacco products and other luxury goods.

When you put all of these things together, the Ohio Taxpayer could be paying almost $1500 more a year in all these increased taxes. (from Citizens For Ohio advocate group). This could mean a married couple could see an increase of almost $2500.

The idea of getting our economy is to put money into the taxpayers hands, not take more away.

Experts say today's high school students who are going to want to go to college won't be able to because scholarships are drying up and student loans are getting harder and harder to get. Most will have to work through college, but guess what, unemployment is at its highest rate since 1983 and projected to reach almost 10% nationally! I was out looking for a summer job and no one is hiring. The usual places for teen summer work aren't offering jobs this year. Most say it is because their priority is to give these jobs to unemployed adults who need the job to support their families.

This country is about to return to the 70's. You hear how an economy and social events are circular, history repeats itself. Many experts say we are about to return to the 70's era where families live in communes, citizens protest the government and war (as in Iraq currently), and long hair and tye dye is the craze.

Woohoo! Bring back Woodstock!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Life Back To Normal?

Well, things seem to be back to normal after a chaotic month.

Coach Robinson got recalled to work and returned to work last night from his 30 day lay off. A few other parents of my friends also returned to work, or got a new job and started work this week. But there are still a lot of my friends who's parents are still unemployed.

The stimulus package that just passed..... a BIG shortfall for the American people. Sure, it helps big business but what does it mean to you and other taxpayers?

Yep, you take home more off of each pay check. My mom is grateful for that. BUT, and it is a big BUTT (no pun intended). If you take home more off of a paycheck that means at the end of the year when you file your tax return, you end up OWING instead of a refund. For those who make less than $45k a year, you probably will only owe $100 to $200. But anyone who is middle class, you will owe $500 to $1000. SO what does that mean? More people going into debt, and filing for bankruptcy, etc. This stimulus bill does not help the average or below average American. It helps only the middle class and the wealthy. And not to mention that big business. Barack has failed on his promise to the poor.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sleeping Problems

Well, I have a sleep disorder. That has been confirmed. I haven't been sleeping well for at least a couple months and finally my mom had me go to a "sleep center" so they can monitor me during sleep. Seems my brain waves while sleeping, is not where they should be.

The doctor put me on a prescription sleep aid medication. I hope this doesn't make me groggy every morning at school, or make me be tired all the time. But he promised me that it would just help me get to sleep and allow me to get into a deeper sleep, and should easily wear off before I wake up.

When I can't sleep I'm usually on Facebook playing games and making new friends. So its not like I'm sleepless AND bored. LOL.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Seems the power at be are being real strict in regards to censorship. A friend of mine has a blog that is basically photos of his swim team from school, and the blogger folks deem that is adult content? Why? Is it because it is pictures of high school boys in speedos? GET OVER IT PEOPLE! I also got an email from the blogger staff telling me I had to remove TheJoe's video from my blog because it was "inappropriate" and "suggestive". Well folks, TOUGH SHIT. I'm not about to remove something that is creative and funny. Our world is far to critical any more. Remember the days you could take a piss behind a tree and it wasn't any big deal. You can't do that any more or be charged with indecent exposure and put in jail. Public swimming pools guys can't wear speedos, and some pools require boys to wear t-shirts and not allowed to go shirtless. EXCUSE ME! In Netherlands, Italy and other European countries, hell, walking outside nude is common and frequent. Speedos worn on the beaches. Our country is no longer FREE folks. Our government has passed so many laws that restrict our freedom. I'm sorry, but if I want to swim in a speedo and go shirtless, that IS MY RIGHT AND I AM GOING TO DO SO.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl Time

Who am I going to root for? Arizona Cardinals. I hate the Steelers. Most of my friends are rooting for the Steelers, and in a way I'd be happy to see former Ohio State Buckeye Santonio Holmes win a Super Bowl ring.

BUT, I'm going with the underdog. GO CARDINALS!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Crazy Weather

Well the past two days we didn't have school. We got about 9" of snow on Monday and Tuesday, thus closing schools for two days on Tuesday and today. We're getting snow again tonight and starting to look like we'll have another day off since the roads were still a disaster today. And this snow isn't going to make it any better.

If we are snowed out tomorrow, we'll have used up all of our calamity days. Then have to extend the school year. I hope that doesn't happen but it probably will happen.

Let's see, Tuesday, helped clean out the storage area at the Saints of America complex (aka The Catacombs). Boy was their some old stuff in there from some of the first members. Also played games on Facebook. Rest of the time I slept.

Today, lots of snow shoveling! Then bunch of us decided to build a huge snow fort, which is pretty common around here. Then of course snow ball fight. We did build some snow men too. Tonight, playing Hammerfall and other online games.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sorry for lack of posting....

I've been on Facebook playing this fantastic D&D type role playing game called Hammerfall. It's really addicting to those of us who are fantasy role player types.

If you are on Facebook, friend request me. Ethan Mayle. Be sure in your friend request that you mention that you want to join my guild in Hammerfall, and I'll add you and send you invite to join my guild. Right now I'm level 13, trying to muster up enough power to take on the guards of city so that I can venture onward.

I'm also a big fan of Metropolis, Zoo Builder, Global Warming, Warlords, Mob Wars and Knighthood on Facebook. So if you play any of those too, make sure to let me know!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Farewell Party

It was a heartfelt moment last night as the youth at Hannah Neil Center For Children gave Coach Robinson a farewell send-off last night. The whole unit greeted him as he came in for his last night of work, and threw him a mini-party. That should say something about how much he means to the youth on his unit. All gave him a hug and wished him the best, and many actually tried to let him know that they wanted him back ASAP. He broke down and cried.

It just goes to show how much impact he makes on their lives.

God Bless you Coach Robinson. You may be a basketball coach, but to many you are a life coach.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Well, prayers didn't help!

Coach Robinson was laid off today. He worked night staff for Starr Commonwealth for three and a half years. He meant so much to the youth who are at the facility and keeps in contact with many of those who completed the treatment program and are now out in the normal world.

Out of the kindness of his heart he told them he would work tonight since tonight they only had one night staff and they have to have two. He'll be paid for working tonight. He also said by union contract they have to pay him severance for the next 30 days so at least he'll have base income for the next month, plus the current pay period. And at least his health benefits continue for another 30 days.

So now please pray that the employer will re-hire him back when they open up another unit, which they say they hope to do within 30 days. And also pray that maybe he finds a better job before that.

Hang in there Coach! I'm praying for you and so are hundreds and thousands of Saints!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jimmy Gets A Boner!

Hilarious video of Jimmy and the neighbor girl. Quality could be better, but it's still worth watching.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Snow Day #2

It was suppose to be good weather Sunday and Monday. The weather man blew the forecast again. It snowed most of the night and school closed for the second snow day of the year. That leaves us with three more snow days to use before we have to make them up.

I'm going to be doing some catch up work for the Saints of America. We have a bunch of new pledges whose applications need processing. The New Year is starting off good in pledges.

I'll probably also watch Omen IV: The Awakening. Most people knew about the first three movies, but there was a fourth! I finally found it on DVD, so I'll take time to watch it today.

Movies recently out in theatres or DVD that I recommend: The Day The Earth Stood Still (4 stars), Valkyrie (4 stars), Bangkok Dangerous (4 stars), Eagle Eye (5 stars), The Unborn (5 stars). Yes, I've seen The Unborn even though it is not out in theatres yet. Downloaded a bootleg online. 5 stars means I think its one of the best movies I've seen in the past year or so and worth price of admission in the theatres. 4 stars means it is a movie well worth watching and if you don't see it in the theatres it is a much see on DVD.

Also, recently rented The Accused (Jodi Foster) on DVD. 5 stars people! It's kind of old, early Jodi Foster movie, but damn, it was an excellent movie!

Well time to go surf the internet some more for more blog content. hehe.

Jon's Puberty Story

I'm sure we all have stories about our first time, or first moment. I guess YouTube had a contest some time ago having members send in videos about their first puberty moment. I tagged this with "humor" because in a way it is funny, after all, don't we all go back and laugh at our own first puberty moment?

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Someone who has meant so much to me, well...... his company yesterday announced they would be closing 2 of the 6 facilities, and laying off half of the workers at the other 4 facilities. Please pray for Coach Robinson, who has worked almost 4 years for a residential youth facility, and has meant so much to so many of us teens. By end of next week he could be unemployed and part of a national statistic. These troubled times is really striking close to home for me. So many of my friends parents, and adult role models, are being laid off and becoming unemployed.

PLEASE pray for ALL those who are recently unemployed. This economy is taking its toll and most of those I know are the kindest people I know. What is the quote? "The best people are the ones who struggle the most". Well, Coach Robinson is THE BEST. He has guided over 5000 teenagers to better lives. He has made a huge impact on many of our lives. It's a shame, no, a CRIME, that such a wonderful person is soon to be a statistic of the unemployed.


Friday, January 9, 2009

More Human Pretzels

I keep finding more!

Skinny White Boys Workout

Can you get any more skinny? If they keep working out, they'll wither up and blow away!

Let It Snow Let It Snow

They announced just a few minutes ago that they are letting us out of school early. We are in a winter storm warning. I guess this storm is coming further south than expected, and moving in much faster. Now they are saying instead of 3 to 6 inches of snow, we can expect 6 to 8 inches. Woohoo! It's gonna be fun with snow forts and snow ball fights this weekend.

Wake Me Up Before You Go Go

I know, Wham is gay as hell, but its a catchy song and this is a pretty creative video.

Can't Sleep

I guess I slept too much on our snow day. But I can't sleep too well tonight.

Yes, Thursday we had a snow day. It was pretty bad Wednesday night but by morning, well, frankly I am not sure why they canceled school. Road weren't bad at all. Maybe the wind chill?

So I spent most of the day sleeping and watching television. Tonight I've been watching COLD CASE on TNT. I love that show. A kid died after participating in a Fight Club and they were trying to solve his murder. A good episode.

Muskrats won again last night, beating Columbus Bulldogs. The Crusaders lost to the Wildcats so now the Muskrats have a 2 game lead in the conference. Muskrats gonna win the conference it looks like and win an automatic bid into the national playoffs.

We'll have school today, Friday. But they are calling for 3 to 6 inches of snow Friday night. Suppose to be a cold and snowy weekend.

That's all for now!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Took a Break

Sorry, I haven't been online much the past few days. I've been pretty busy.

School started back up today.

A couple of friends are in the hospital, one with pneumonia, and one had with diabetes. When friends go into the hospital I always go and visit. I know how much it meant to me when I was in the hospital and friends came to visit. So I do my best to visit my friends in the hospital.

My mom declared that I need to spend more time at home in 2009, and she's cracking down a bit on my online time. My grades slipped a little last semester and has got my mom in a frenzy. I don't know what the big deal is, just because I got a 3.75 instead of a 4.0 GPA? It's like she thinks the end of the world is coming because I got a B. Oh well. Life goes on. What did I get a B in? Economics. I hated that class and glad it is behind me.

This semester I have Speech, Government, Chemistry, Geometry, Computer Programming II, Psychology, and Music Appreciation. Yes a full boat of classes. The only one that will give me any problem is Speech. I'm not a person who likes to speak in front of a large audience. But, you have to take it, so I took it this year just to get it out of the way.

Psychology I'm going to like. I always find it interesting why people do things. It should really help with Saints of America (teen support group that I am in). And I'll find out if that is an area of study that I might consider in college. I've been thinking about becoming a child psychologist. I like helping people and I really like helping my friends who have issues or problems.

Well, that's it for today's blog entry.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Human Pretzel

People who can do the human pretzel trick always amaze me. I know several guys who can do it.

I think it's funny though, that anytime guys show off doing the trick in front of girls, the first question they ask is "can you s**k yourself"? Of course the answer is usually yes. Which of course leads to the girls daring them to show that trick too.

I can't do the human pretzel thing, but I can do the latter! hehe.

Extreme Satisfaction by TheJoeFrom1993

TheJoeFrom1993 is a 15yo kid from New Zealand who keeps getting videos banned on YouTube. Joe is very creative and imaginative and it's a shame that YouTube doesn't have a sense of humor. This video is definitely suggestive. But it's also funny. To me, this will go down as one of the all time classics by a teenager!

Recently someone threatened / promised to kill him this past December. Check out his blog for more information.

FYI, you can visit Joe's blog at or his YouTube channel at

Weeds Masturbation Etiquette

Still my favorite humor video about masturbation.

It is a fact of life that teenage males masturbate, and I'm no exception to that rule. Now, now, now, no asking me for details of my sex life! Well you can ask in email and I'll probably disclose some details that way, but not on this public blog!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


It was a wonderful New Years Eve party held by the Saints of America. I got to meet dozens of new teen friends. Everyone had a wonderful time without drinking or drugs. Many danced until 3 or 4am. I went swimming for the most part, and of course stuffed my face with the free food.

Today, a bunch of us will spend the day watching college football bowl games. I guess that is what most people do on New Years Day, watch college guys bash each other around. Can't you tell I'm not really a football fan. lol.

Well, here's hoping that everyone has a great 2009. I was going to say a prosperous New Years but with the condition of our economy, the best advice is try and survive our recession.

My New Years resolution? To lose my virginity. j/k. Mine is simply to try and better myself.